Surfbirds Share A Photo

White-crowned Sparrow (Gambelii) , Sussex, Seaford Head, April 2023

© Martin Birch

White-crowned Sparrow (Gambelii)
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    'fb_og_description' => 'White-crowned Sparrow (Gambelii), Sussex, Seaford Head, April 2023',
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    'pinterest_description' => 'White-crowned+Sparrow+%28Gambelii%29%2C+Sussex%2C+Seaford+Head%2C+April+2023+%26copy%3B+Martin+Birch',
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    'id' => '161874',
    'user_id' => '4205',
    'chapter_id' => '9',
    'creation_date' => '2023-04-29 01:54:20',
    'species' => 'White-crowned Sparrow (Gambelii)',
    'country' => 'Sussex',
    'location' => 'Seaford Head',
    'photo_date' => 'April 2023',
    'caption' => '',
    'imgname' => '20230429015420411.jpg',
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  'user' => 
  array (
    'email' => '',
    'fullname' => 'Martin Birch',
    'display_email' => '0',
    'web' => '',
    'biography' => 'I\'ve been birding since a kid, first in Hampshire, then in the Bristol area before finally settling for the last two decades in the south-east. Well Bromley to be exact, which let\'s face it is not great for birding unless you like parakeets. ',
    'professionality' => '0',
    'country' => 'United Kingdom',
    'avatar_name' => '4205.jpg',