Papua New Guinea: 28th July to 18th Ausgust 2008

Published by Jon Hornbuckle (jonhornbuckle AT

Participants: Jon Hornbuckle, Mike Catsis, Bob French, Malcolm Oxlade, Lori Szucs, Moira and Graeme Wallace


Photos with this report (click to enlarge)

New Guinea Eagle
New Guinea Eagle
Brown Sicklebill
Brown Sicklebill
Long-billed Cuckoo
Long-billed Cuckoo
Mountain Owlet-Nightjar
Mountain Owlet-Nightjar
Ribbon-tailed Astrapia
Ribbon-tailed Astrapia
Rufous-throated Cuckoo
Rufous-throated Cuckoo

This budget tour, organized and led by me, was a resounding success, with sightings of 23 species of birds of paradise on the main tour, plus an additional 5 on the extension, along with a fine supporting cast of New Guinea endemics. Highlights included the rarely seen Papuan Whipbird, all three species of Jewel-babbler, Shovel-billed Kingfisher and three species of Paradise-Kingfisher, Meyer’s Goshawk, Southern Crowned Pigeon, Vulturine Parrot and prolonged views of Papuan Harpy-Eagle. The logistics worked fairly well except that we lost one full day at Tabubil, which probably cost us a few good birds such as Carola’s Parotia, thanks to our Air Niugini flight being aborted.


July 28 Arrive Port Moresby, p.m. Pacific Adventists University; Granville Motel
29 MC and MO arrive, Varirata NP
30 Varirata NP, Pacific Adventists University 4-6 pm
31 Varirata NP
Aug 1 a.m. Port Moresby airport, flight delayed; p.m. fly to Tabubil, Wewak and back to Moresby; Crowne Plaza Hotel
2 a.m. fly to Tabubil; p.m. Ok Menga, Dablin Creek; Hotel Cloudlands
3 a.m. Ok Ma road; p.m. Dablin Creek
4 a.m. Ok Ma road, Dablin Creek; p.m. drive to Kiunga with stop at Km17; Kiunga
Guest House
5 boat to Ekame Lodge; Elevala River and Ekame Lodge
6 Elevala River, p.m. to Kiunga by boat; Kiunga Guest House
7 a.m. Boystown Road; p.m. Km 17
8 fly to Mount Hagen, transfer to Kumul Lodge
9 a.m. Lesser BoP site then Enga Show; p.m. Kumul Lodge
10 a.m. Max’s Trail; p.m. Kumul Lodge area
11 Kumul Lodge till 08.00, drive to Warili Lodge, Tari [Lori day trip up Mt Hagen]
12-16 Tari Gap - Tari Valley
17 Tari Gap till 08.00, drive to Tari airport, fly to Moresby; BF & LS fly to Aus
18 A.m. Varirata NP; p.m. fly to Singapore

Warili Lodge: the budget alternative to the very expensive Ambua Lodge near Tari, accommodation and transport have improved markedly over the past 2 years – the food has always been good. The major problem is getting a confirmed booking – at present this is only possible by writing to Steven Wari, the owner, P O Box 159, Tari, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. He does have a mobile phone 00675 6978018 but getting though seems impossible from outside the country. However, Steven invariably meets the incoming flights from Moresby in the hope of finding clients, so you are likely to see him even if pre-booking has not been confirmed.


Graeme, Moira and I returned to Port Moresby from the pre-tour extension to Huon, Manus and Normanby Island on July 28. Lori and Bob arrived early afternoon from Australia and after checking in at the Granville Motel, went with me to the Pacific Adventist University till dusk. We were pleased to find 7 Spotted Whistling-ducks – a bird that had been difficult to see this year by all accounts. We all dined on fish and chips at the Granville. Mike and Malcolm arrived from Singapore at 06.00 the following morning, and took 75 mins to get though Immigration. We all set off for Varirata National Park at 09.00, and stopped at the dry eucalypt savanna along the approach road to Varirata, seeing Rainbow Bee-eater, Lemon-bellied and Leaden Flycatchers, Black-shouldered Cucooshrike, female Riflebird and Raggiana Bird-of-Paradise, and our only Brown Falcon of the trip. Our time inside the park gave a good selection of birds such as Marbled Frogmouth, Barred Owlet-nightjar, Brown-headed Paradise-Kingfisher, Northern Scrub-Robin, Wampoo Fruit-Dove, Black-winged, Spot-winged and Frilled Monarchs, Slaty-chinned Longbill and Dwarf Whistler. On the way back we stopped at the Kokoda Monument, an interesting memorial to Second World War activities, to look for Grand Munia but only a few Grey-headed Munia were seen, by Lori.

The next morning we visited the Raggiana Bird of Paradise lek at Varirata and saw a few males actively displaying. Our visit coincided with that of Bruce Beehler leading a group of Americans including the Ambassador to PNG! After admiring the fine view down to the sea at Varirata Lookout, we drove to the Boundary Trail to check an eagle nest, according to our local guide, to find it was that of the rare Doria’s Hawk. We were able to have prolonged views of the bird perched high in the canopy. Other species here included Chestnut-backed Jewel-babbler, White-faced Robin, Yellow-capped Pygmy-Parrot, Yellow-breasted Boatbill and a brief male Eastern Riflebird. We walked down to the picnic area from Varirata Lookout and saw Papuan King-Parrot, Ornate Fruit-Dove and Rusty Pitohui. Over lunch we taped in Yellow-billed Kingfisher, then tried the Treehouse Trail and had a rarely seen Crested Pitohui on the ground, Dwarf Honeyeater and Crinkle-collared Manucode. We left the Park mid-afternoon for Pacific Adventist University. Here good views were had of marshland and savanna species such as Pied Heron, Rufous Night-Heron, Wandering Whistling-Duck, White-browed Crake, Purple Swamphen and Comb-crested Jacana. Land birds included Blue-winged Kookaburra, Black-backed Butcherbird, Fawn-breasted Bowerbird, Figbird, Grey-headed and Chestnut-breasted Munias, and even an Osprey.

Returning to Varirata the next day, we started at the Boundary Trail hoping for Painted Quail-thrush but failed despite a long tape-duel. We did have the scarce Yellow-legged Flycatcher and a rarely seen White-eared Catbird for some. We spent the rest of the morning in the valley below Gare's Lookout trail where the only new bird was a Wallace’s Fairy-Wren for Mike. After lunch most of us did the Circuit Trail, seeing Black-billed Brush-Turkey, Golden and Black Monarchs, and other birds already seen such as Crested Pitohui. We drove back to Moresby in the dark.

The next morning we were due to fly to Tabubil at 10.50 but the flight was delayed “for technical reasons” which according to a contract engineer who often used this flight meant there was no plane, a not infrequent occurrence with Air Niugini. We finally left at 3 pm after 6 hours in the departure lounge! After a 2 hour flight we could not land due to cloud cover, no great surprise at this time of day but what was a surprise was that we flew to Wewak on the north coast, refuelled, then back to Moresby, arriving at 8.30 pm, instead of landing at Kiunga, a mere 3 hour drive from Tabubil. We were eventually transferred to Crowne Plaza Hotel and given a good buffet dinner, but it was a wasted day. The following morning a walk along the seafront gave Bridled and Gull-billed Terns and Great Frigatebird, before the 08.30 airport transfer. The new flight was on time, arriving at Tabubil at 12.10. We checked into the comfortable Cloudlands Hotel, and after pie and chips spent a rather wet afternoon at OK Menga, eventually seeing a pair of Salvadori’s Teal with ace local guide Samuel, but no Torrent-lark. We drove up to Dablin Creek for the last 90 mins of daylight. It was quiet but Orange-breasted Fig-Parrot, Mountain Peltops and a female Magnificent BoP were seen. We dined on fish and prawns at the Golf Club.

The next day dawned wet and stayed that way with a few clear spells. We drove to Ok Ma Road in the dark, saw Papuan Boobook in flight but only heard Shovel-billed Kingfisher calling. We spent the morning birding along the road, seeing Red-flanked and Fairy/Little Red Lorikeets, Grey-headed Cuckoo-shrike, White-rumped Robin, Yellow-legged Flycatcher, Obscure Berrypecker and Black Butcherbird. We went into the forest for Greater Melampitta but only Lori and Moira saw it. While trying another short trail for the Melampitta, Mike spotted a perched Shovel-bill which gave good views for a few mins. Returning to Dablin Creek at 2 pm, most of us saw little except Stout-billed Cuckoo-shrike. Lori climbed up the metal walkway and stayed there for some time, seeing Torrent-lark and a flock with fine male Carola’s Parotia, Black Fantail, Tit Berrypecker and a few other goodies. Our return visit to the Golf Club at 5.30 was fruitless as the kitchen had run out of food!

Returning the following morning to Ok Ma Road with Kwiwan, Samuel’s cousin, 3 pairs Shovel-bills called but none flew across the road so could not be spotted. However, a perched Boobook was spot-lit. Another attempt at the Melampitta was unsuccessful but we did see White-eared Bronze-Cuckoo, Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo, Plain and Long-billed Honeyeaters and Lori had Black Thicket-fantail while looking in the forest for the Shovel-bill, which he saw briefly. We returned to Dablin Creek for three hours, mostly at the “fruiting tree”, now with little fruit left on it. Orange-breasted Fig-Parrots and Black Myzomela were feeding but no Carola’s Parotia. Torrent-lark was seen by some and I had a White-rumped Robin feeding its mate. After checking out of Cloudlands and lunching on pizza and fruit, we drove to Km17 near Kiunga, reaching it in 3 hours. It was quiet at first then livened up to give Beautiful Fruit-dove, Large Fig-parrot, Dusky Lory, Trumpet Manucode, Greater Birds-of-Paradise, Lowland Peltops, Golden Cuckooshrike and best of all, 2 Vulturine Parrots. We checked in and dined at the Kiunga Guesthouse.

The next two days were devoted to the Elevala River/ Ekame Lodge trip. After a delayed start due to the driver and Samuel being late, we set-off on the Fly River bound for Ekame Lodge in light rain. After 15 mins we watched a displaying 12-wired BoP then continued to the turn-off on the Elevala. Stopping to pick-up the cook, we were fortunate to observe a flock of the scarce Yellow-eyed Starling flying over. Lori and Mike spotted a pair of Purple-tailed Imperial pigeons flying low over the river. After dropping-off our bags at the lodge, we spent a very productive morning on the river and a forest trail, seeing Hooded Pitta, a superb displaying male King BoP, Hooded Monarch, White-bellied Thicket-Fantail, White-bellied and Variable Pitohuis and after a long tape duel, the rare Little Paradise-Kingfisher. We returned to the lodge for lunch and siesta, then back on the river till dark, seeing Palm Cockatoo, Great-billed Heron, Double-eyed Fig-Parrot, Channel-billed Cuckoo, Little Kingfisher, lots of Blyth’s Hornbills and Manucodes, a brief Hook-billed Kingfisher and finally one of the star birds of the trip, Southern Crowned-Pigeon - 3 roosting in a large trees. After supper we spent another hour on the river, hearing a Forest Bittern calling – a bird I’ve long wanted to see - but the only sighting was a singing Papuan Frogmouth. Back at the lodge, a Starry Owlet-nightjar was heard but not seen. The following morning we took the boat down river to a village to visit a hide set-up at a Flame Bowerbird bower. The only reward for an hour there was an Emperor Fairy-Wren. A watch at a fruiting-tree was equally frustrating as the only Bowerbird was one seen by Malcolm and Moira swiftly dropping out of the tree. Back at the lodge, we did a trail and had good views of Blue Jewel-Babbler, Little Bronze-cuckoo and Black-sided Robin, while back at the lodge we saw Dwarf Koel. After an early lunch we returned to the river and found Common Paradise-Kingfisher and Golden Monarch in muddy forest along a tributary, before proceeding on our journey back to Kiunga, which was rather quiet, the most notable sightings being a perched Dwarf Fruit-Dove and a crocodile.

The next day we drove to “Manucode Mound” on Boystown Road, to look for the spectacular Flame Bowerbird in the partly-logged forest. Three Nightjars were flushed from the road, one of which was seen to be a Papuan, but the driver was incapable of stopping in time for perched views. We were joined by a FieldGuides group led by my old friend Phil Gregory. An early male Bowerbird in flight was only seen by a few but later we all saw a distant one perched. Pinon and Zoe Imperial-Pigeons frequently flew past and good birds were Long-billed Cuckoo, Obscure and Pygmy Honeyeaters, Red-throated Myzomela, Yellow-streaked Lory, displaying Glossy-mantled and Trumpet Manucodes and a rare New Guinea Bronzewing for Lori. The afternoon birding was spoilt by rain but we did have good views of Australian Hobby perched on a telegraph pole in town and Greater and Raggiana Birds-of-Paradise displaying at Km 17.

The final morning was disappointing as we tried for nightjars on the first part of Boystown Rd without success, then had to wait for 4 hours before our plane came to take us to Mount Hagen. Birding at the end of the runway gave White-spotted Munia and Palm Cockatoo. Reaching Mount Hagen at 1 pm, we were met by Paul, owner of Kumul Lodge and after pie and chips in town, drove to Kumul, arriving at 3 pm. The lodge was very nice, with pleasant rooms, a bar and a viewing terrace overlooking possibly the largest bird-table in the world. We spent most of the remaining afternoon watching Brehm’s Tiger-Parrot, Brown Sicklebill, Ribbon –tailed Astrapia, Smoky Honeyeater, Belford’s Melidectes and Island Thrush feeding on fruit on the table, while elsewhere in the grounds, some saw Goldie’s, Orange-billed and Papuan Lorikeets, White-winged Robin and Rufous-naped Whistler. The day ended with a good buffet dinner and a beer or two.

After an early breakfast we took an hour’s drive to a Lesser BoP site where 3 adult males gave a good display for a short while. Several attractive Ornate Melidectes were also present along with Mountain Myzomela and New Guinea White-eye. On our walk back to the vehicle, we stopped to look for another speciality of the area – Yellow-breasted Bowerbird and also added Black-headed Whistler. We met up with Paul’s wife Kim and transferred to her vehicle to go to the Enga Show at Wabag. Progress was slow due to the pot-holed road but we arrived at 11.00 in good time for most of the action. This was a spectacular event with 20 – 25 groups of tribespeople dressed and painted in all their traditional finery, periodically performing traditional dances. Prizes were awarded to the best “dressed” and performing groups. Needless to say this was truly a photo-fest. After a picnic lunch the group left for Kumul, stopping to bird on the way but with little reward. However, a fruiting tree in the lodge grounds did give a gorgeous male Crested BoP and Crested Berrypecker, while Fan-tailed Cuckoo, Regent Whistler and Mountain Firetail were seen elsewhere. After supper, we tried to call in Mountain Owlet-Nightjar but there was only a brief response. We decided to try again at 4 am. and this time two responded, one eventually giving superb views. After breakfast at 6ish, we birded the botanical gardens area, seeing Macgregor’s Bowerbird and many Goldie’s Lorikeet, then spent the morning down the road on Max’s Trail. Tape duels with Lesser Melampitta and Spotted Jewel-babbler were unsuccessful but Wattled Ploughbill and Ashy Robin were called in and Malcolm and I had brief views of a Forbe’s Forest-Rail flushed by Max. Black-breasted Boatbill, Black-throated Honeyeater, Papuan Scrub-Wren and a female/ imm male King-of-Saxony BoP were also seen. After lunch at the lodge we split-up to seek our own birds – I caught up with the gorgeous male Crested BoP, chasing off Crested Berrypeckers from “his” fruiting tree, and Blue-capped Ifrita, while others had Loria’s BoP, Brown-backed Whistler and Black-bellied Cuckooshrike, with a Pygmy Lorikeet for Lori. At dinner-time we met the Provincial Governor and national Minister of Tourism, who had been at the Show. Afterwards we tried again for the Owlet-Nightjar, but without success.

After two days without rain, unusual up here, we had another fine morning but rain in the afternoon. Today Lori set off at 03.45 to trek up Mt Hagen, with an older Max, whom he rated highly, to look for highland specialities such as Long-bearded Melidectes and Mountain Robin, seen a few days earlier by Frank Lambert, while we birded around the lodge until 08.00 when we were due to depart for Tari. The only new birds were Painted Tiger-Parrot and Dimorphic Fantail. Lori, who journied to Tari by public bus the next day, had a tough 14 hour trek but saw both Frank’s birds and other goodies such as Alpine Pipit, Sooty Melidectes, Papuan Thornbill and Black Sitella. We left at 09.00, delayed by our hired van, and reached Mendi at 1 pm. After fish and chips from the kai bar at the petrol station, we continued on the bumpy, windy road to Tari Gap in 4 birdless hours. A rarely seen Spotless Crake was a surprising sight crossing the road just before Warili Lodge. We were welcomed by Steven Wari who was surprised to see us as he thought we would come on the morning flight from Moresby, despite having been told to the contrary. Supper was a bit sparse as food-stocks were low but the Lodge itself was comfortable with ever-improving facilities such as flush-toilets and a hot shower.

After a French-toast breakfast, we drove up past Ambua Lodge to Benson’s Trail for a 6 hour introduction to the delights of upper Tari. We saw Modest Tiger-Parrot, Papuan Logrunner, Hooded Cuckooshrike and Ifrita, with Black-throated Robin for Graeme only. After lunch at Warili, with Hooded Munia and Yellow-browed Melidectes in the garden, we returned up the hill to Tari Gap and succeeded in getting very close views of Lesser Melampitta, Papuan and Plum-faced Lorikeets and best of all, the rare Meyer’s Goshawk. Lori arrived at 7 pm in time for dinner.

The next four days were spent combing the area for the many tricky species, visiting the Bailey Bridge - Tari Gap area on several occasions, fruiting trees at Ambua Lodge and gardens below Warili Lodge, and the Tari Valley. Transport was in Steven’s ageing Toyota Landcruiser, just about OK for a group of our size. Highlights in the Benson’s Trail area were Chestnut Forest-Rail, Bronze Ground-Dove, Spotted Jewel-Babbler, King of Saxony Bird-of-Paradise, Brown Sicklebill, Ribbon-tailed Astrapia, Blue-capped Ifrita, Blue-grey and Ashy Robins, Lesser Ground-Robin, Black-breasted Boatbill, Macgregor's Bowerbird, Lesser Melampitta, Loria’s Birds of Paradise, Black Pitohui and Red-collared Myzomela. Best of all were good views of 3 ground-loving Papuan Whipbirds, which even Phil Gregory has not seen, and at least 2 Olive Straightbill, a new bird for me, gleaning insects in rolled dead leaves as described in the field-guide!

At the Bailey Bridge we saw White-breasted Fruit-Dove, Black-bellied Cuckooshrike, Black-throated and Garnet Robins, Brown-backed and Mottled Whistlers, while Lori had the difficult Rufescent Imperial-Pigeon. Mountain Nightjar was seen and heard calling before dawn at the quarry just below the bridge and a Salvadori’s Teal flying over here at dawn was most unexpected. In the gardens below Warili Lodge and the vicinity of Ambua Lodge, we saw Mountain Kingfisher, Rufous-throated Cuckoo, Great Woodswallow, Orange-crowned Fairy-Wren, Blue-faced Parrotfinch, Short-tailed Paradigalla, Stephanie’s Astrapia, Lawes’ Parotia, Superb BoP and gorgeous male Black Sicklebills and Blue BoPs, while Mike even had a Buff-tailed Sicklebill.

An afternoon in the Tari Valley to see Greater Sooty-Owl was successful at our second site, with Papuan Frogmouth and Harrier also seen. Repeated visits to Tari Gap gave Crested and Tit Berrypeckers, Garnet and White-winged Robins, Brown Quail, Plum-faced and Papuan Lorikeets, Macgregor’s Bowerbird for some, and then the ultimate prize for Lori, Malcolm and Steven, 2 New Guinea Harpy-Eagles hunting along the forest edge after dawn. Steven drove down to pick-up Bob, Mike and me, and we were just in time to see one Eagle fly to a new perch before disappearing into the forest for good. The following morning, our last, saw us at the site before dawn. A few deep calls showed the Eagle to be present but the first bird in flight was our only Grass Owl. A different, double-note call started up and continued for a long time before Malcolm spotted a movement and saw the Eagle land in a distant tree. We moved nearer, along the road scoping it but it was not really photographable, so I walked across the boggy grassland to the forest edge with the Eagle looking disdainfully at me. After taking a few shots, I had to return to the road as it was time to leave for the airport. By the time I reached the road, the Eagle had jumped up to an exposed perch on the top of a tree, a beautiful view but too far for good photos. Still, an excellent end to a wonderful location.

After collecting our bags from Warili, we continued down to Tari airport where the welcoming committee for the Moresby flight numbered several 100 brightly dressed locals. We reached Moresby on time at 1 pm so Lori was able to catch his flight back to Sydney, despite the tight connection, and Bob later departed for Cairns. The rest of us checked in at the Granville and Malcolm went to PAU, then next morning Graeme, Mike, Malcolm and I revisited Varirata NP in a taxi. Unfortunately, the taxi broke-down after turning off on to the NP approach road and we had to wait for a replacement. We birded the start of the Boundary Trail, trying for Painted Quail-thrush but no response. We did get our best view of a male Riflebird calling atop a high bare tree and watched a White-faced Robin “bathing” on the ground in rain-wet leaves. A flock at the lower end of the Tree-house Trail contained the usual suspects, the only new birds being Green-backed Honeyeater and a Red-bellied Pitta responding to play-back. We left for Moresby at 11.20 and checked in for the afternoon flight to Singapore. It was only at this point that I discovered it was now possible to receive and send texts to UK, contrary to what my provider, Tesco, stated – PNG comes into the 21st century at last! The flight was 2 hours late leaving because a wheel had to be changed – if only that had happened last year when our arrival back in Moresby on the Air Niugini flight from Tabubil was late and its Singapore flight left on time without waiting for us. A great trip!

Species Lists

Australasian Grebe Tachybaptus novaehollandiae : 2 at the Pacific Adventist University (PAU)

Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris : Common at PAU, 1 at Kiunga airport.

Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos : 2 at PAU, 10 Elevala River and 3 at Kiunga airport.

Darter Anhinga melanogaster : 1 at PAU. Kiunga airport.

Great Frigatebird Fregata minor : 3 over the sea at Port Moresby on Aug 2.

Great Egret Ardea alba : 3 on Elevala River and 2 at Kiunga airport.

Great-billed Heron Ardea sumatrana : 2 along the Elevala River.

Pied Heron Egretta picata : 10 at the Pacific Adventist University (PAU) on Jul 30.

Intermediate Egret Egretta intermedia : 2 at the PAU.

Little Egret Egretta garzetta : at least 1 at the PAU.

Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis : Common in the Port Moresby area.

Striated Heron Butorides striata : 2 along the Elevala River.

Rufous Night-Heron Nycticorax caledonicus : 3 at PAU on Jul 30 with 10 on Aug 17 (MO), and 2 on the Elevala River.

Forest Bittern Zonerodius heliosylus : 1 heard calling at night in a swamp by the Elevala on Aug 5.

Australian Ibis Threskiornis molucca : 2 at the PAU on Aug 17 (MO).

Wandering Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna arcuata : Common at the PAU.

Salvadori's Teal Anas waigiuensis : 2, possibly 3 on the Ok Menga river and 1 flying over and back near the bailey bridge above Tari on Aug 15.

Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa : Common at the PAU.

Osprey Pandion haliaetus : 1 at the PAU on Jul 30.

Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata : 5 on Aug 6 at Ekame/Fly rivers.

Long-tailed Buzzard Henicopernis longicauda : 2 singles at Tari, up to 3 at Keki, 1 at Ok Ma Road and 2 on the Elevala River.

Black Kite Milvus migrans : 1 near Moresby on Jul 30 and common in the Mt Hagen – Kumul area.

Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus : 2 at the PAU, singles at Kiunga and Mt Hagen.

Brahminy Kite Haliastur Indus : Up to 3 most days.

Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus : 1 at Mount Hagen on Aug 7 (MO).

White-bellied Sea-Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster : 2 on the Elevala River.

Papuan Harrier (Spotted Marsh Harrier) : Circus spilothorax (spilonotus) Singles at Tari Gap on 13th (LS) and Tari Valley on 14th, with 2 ringtails in Tari Valley on 15th.

Variable Goshawk Accipiter hiogaster : Singles on 7 dates throughout.

Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus : 1 at Varirata NP on Jul 29.

Black-mantled Goshawk Accipiter melanochlamys : Singles at Kumul on Aug 11 (?), perched up on the trail above Ambua Lodge on 14th and a probable on 16th.

Grey-headed Goshawk Accipiter poliocephalus : 1 at Port Moresby on Jul 28.

Collared Sparrowhawk Accipiter cirrocephalus : 1 at Port Moresby on Aug 1 and 2 at the Granville 17th.

Meyer's Goshawk Accipiter meyerianus : one perched in dead trees beyond Benson’s Trail on Aug 12.

Doria's Goshawk Megatriorchis doriae : a pair at the nest on the Boundary Trail, Varirata on Jul 30.

New Guinea Eagle Harpyopsis novaeguineae : a pair at Tari Gap on Aug 16, with 1 there calling continuously on 17th and its unseen mate calling briefly.

Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides : 1 near Port Moresby on Aug 17 (MO).

Australian Hobby Falco longipennis : singles perched at the hill visible from the Granville on Jul 28, perched in Kiunga town on Aug 7 and in Port Moresby on 18th.

Brown Falcon Falco berigora : 1 at Tari on Aug 12.

Black-billed Brush Turkey Talegalla fuscirostris : 1 seen at Varirata NP on Jul 31 and a few heard around Ekame Lodge.

Brown Quail Coturnix australis : 2 at Tari Gap on Aug 13 and 15.

Chestnut Forest-Rail Rallina rubra : Singles at Tari Gap on Aug 13 (LS) and Benson’s Trail on 14th (MC) and 15th (GW.)

Forbes' Forest-Rail Rallina forbesi : one on Max’s Trail on Aug 10 (JH,MO)

Buff-banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis : 1 at Kiunga airport.

Spotless Crake Porzana tabuensis : 1 on the road near Warili Lodge on Aug 11.

White-browed Crake Porzana cinerea : 1 at the PAU on Jul 30.

Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio : common at the PAU.

Dusky Moorhen Gallinula tenebrosa : 2 at the PAU.
Comb-crested Jacana Irediparra gallinacea : 2 at the PAU.

Australian Pratincole Stiltia Isabella : 1 at Port Moresby airport on Jul 28 (LS).
Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles : Several at the PAU.

Gull-billed Tern Sterna nilotica : 1 at Port Moresby on Aug 2

Great Crested Tern Sterna bergii : 2 at Port Moresby on Aug 2

Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus : 1 at Port Moresby on Aug 2

Slender-billed Cuckoo-Dove Macropygia amboinensis : up to 6 daily except at Tari where none was identified.

Black-billed Cuckoo-Dove Macropygia nigrirostris : 2 at Varirata on Jul 30 and tari on Aug 15 with 4 on 16th. A few others of this or the above sp. were also seen at Tari, Tabubil and Kiunga.
Great Cuckoo-Dove Reinwardtoena reinwardtii : 3 at Tabubil on Aug 3, 2 at Kiunga on 5th and 1 at Tari on 12th.

Stephan’s Dove Chalocphaps stephani : 1 at Varirata NP on Jul 31 and 2 flying across the Elevala River on Aug 5.

New Guinea Bronzewing Henicophaps albifrons : 1 in flight at Boystown Rd (LS).

Peaceful Dove Geopelia placida : a few at PAU.

Bar-shouldered Dove Geopelia humeralis : 2 at PAU.

Bronze Ground-Dove Gallicolumba beccarii : 1 or 2 on 3 dates at Tari, mainly Benson’s Trail.

Southern Crowned Pigeon Goura scheepmakeri : 3 along the Elevala River on Aug 5.

Wompoo Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus magnificus : 1 or2 daily at Varirata NP.

Pink-spotted Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus perlatus : 4 at Varirata NP on Jul 30 and up to 10 in the Kiunga area.

Ornate Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus ornatus : 2 at Varirata NP on Jul 30 and 1 along the Elevala River on Aug 6.

Superb Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus superbus : 1 along the Elevala River on Aug 6 and 2 on 7th.

Beautiful Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus pulchellus : 2 at Varirata on Jul 31, 1 at Tabubil and at KM 17 near Kiunga, and 3 near Ekame Lodge.

White-breasted Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus rivoli : up to 3 on 3 dates at Tari.

Orange-bellied Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus iozonus : fairly common around Kiunga.

Dwarf Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus nanus : singles on the Elevala River and at Boystown Road.

Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon Ducula rufigaster : 2 on the Elevala River on Aug 5 were the only record.

Rufescent Imperial-Pigeon Ducula chalconota : 3 at the bailey bridge above Tari on Aug 15 (LS).

Pinon Imperial Pigeon Ducula pinon : fairly common around Kiunga.

Collared Imperial Pigeon Ducula muellerii : numerous along the Fly and Elevala Rivers.

Zoe Imperial Pigeon Ducula zoeae : 3 at Varirata NP on Jul 29, 1 at Tabubil and up to 5 daily around Kiunga.

Torresian Imperial Pigeon Ducula spilorrhoa : 1 at Port Moresby on Aug 1 (LS).

Pauan Mountain-Pigeon Gymnophaps albertisii : common throughout except the Moresby/Varirata area.

Palm Cockatoo Probosciger aterrimus : up to 3 by the Elevala River and 3 at Kiunga airport.

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo cacatua galerita : singles at Varirata on Jul 30-31, 3 at Tabubil and common along the Elevala River.

Greater/Yellow-streaked Lory Chalcopsitta scintillata : 4 at Boystown Road and 2 at Km 17, Kiunga.

Dusky Lory Pseudeos fuscata : 6 at Km 17, Kiunga.

Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus : Common throughout except the higher elevations at Kumul and Tari Gap.

Goldie's Lorikeet Psitteuteles goldiei : common at Kumul Lodge.

Black-capped Lory Lorius lory : only 2 noted at Varirata NP, fairly common in the Kiunga/ Tabubil area.

Pygmy Lorikeet Charmosyna wilhelminae : singles at Kumul and the bailey bridge, Tari (LS)

Red-flanked Lorikeet Charmosyna placentis : a few at Tabubil and 10 at Boystown road.

Little Red Lorikeet Charmosyna pulchella : 20 at Ok Ma Road, Tabubil on Aug 3.

Papuan Lorikeet Charmosyna papou : 2 singles at Kumul and up to 6 most days above Tari.

Plum-faced Lorikeet Oreopsittacus arfaki : up to 20 on 3 dates at Tari Gap.

Yellow-billed Lorikeet Neopsittacus musschenbroekii : up to 20 on 3 dates above Tari.

Orange-billed Lorikeet Neopsittacus pullicauda : 6 on Aug 8 at Kumul and 2 on 10th.

Vulturine/ Pesquet’s Parrot Psittatrichas fulgidus : 2 at Km 17 on Aug 4.

Buff-faced Pygmy-Parrot Micropsitta pusio : 2 at Varirata NP on Jul 30 and 1 on 31st.

Yellow-capped Pygmy-Parrot Micropsitta keiensis : one at Tabubil on Aug 3 and 3 Boystown Road.

Red-breasted Pygmy-Parrot Micropsitta bruijnii : 20 at Dablin Creek,Tabubil on Aug 3.

Orange-breasted Fig-Parrot Cyclopsitta gulielmiterti : 8 at Tabubil on Aug 2, up to 4 at Dablin Creek, and fairly common in the Kiunga area.

Double-eyed Fig-Parrot Cyclopsitta diophthalma : 3 along the Elevala River and 3 at Boystown Road.

Large Fig-Parrot Psittaculirostris desmarestii : 1 at Km 17, 2 along the Elevala River and 1 at Boystown Road.

Painted Tiger-Parrot Psittacella picta : one at Kumil on Aug 11 (JH & MO).

Brehm's Tiger-Parrot Psittacella brehmii : 3-4 daily at Kumul, 2 at Tari Gap on Aug 13.

Modest Tiger-Parrot Psittacella modesta : 1 female near Benson’s Trail on Aug 12.

Blue-collared Parrot Geoffroyus simplex : a small flock at Dablin Creek, Tabubil on Aug 4.

Red-cheeked Parrot Geoffroyus geoffroyi : up to 10 daily at Varirata and in the Kiunga area.

Eclectus Parrot Eclectus roratus : up to 3 daily at Varirata, 2 at Tabubil and up to 20 in the Kiunga area.

Papuan King Parrot Alisterus chloropterus : 1-2 at Varirata on Jul 30-31 and Aug 18, 2 at Tabubil, 1 at Kumul and 3 at Tari on 15th.

Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus : commonly heard in the Kiunga area with 2 singles seen, and heard at Varirata, below Kumul and at Tari.

Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo Cacomantis castaneiventris : 1 heard at Tabubil on Aug 3 with 1 seen on 4th and heard at Kumul on 9th.

Fan-tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis flabelliformis : one seen at Kumul on Aug 9 and above Tari on 3 dates with others heard.

Shining Bronze-Cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidus : 1 at Varirata on Jul 29.

Rufous-throated Bronze-Cuckoo Chrysococcyx ruficollis : one or 2 below Tari Gap on Aug 13-16.

White-eared Bronze-Cuckoo Chrysococcyx meyerii : singles at Tabubil on Aug 2-4.

Little Bronze-Cuckoo Chrysococcyx minutillus : 1 at Ekame Lodge on Aug 6.
Long-billed Cuckoo Rhamphomantis megarhynchus : 2 at Boystown Road, 1 giving stellar views.

White-crowned Koel Caliechthrus leucolophus : heard at Varirata on Jul 29 and Aug 18, 2 seen along the Elevala River on Aug 5.

Dwarf Koel Microdynamis parva : singles at Ekame Lodge and Km 17.

Australian Koel Eudynamys cyanocephala : 3 along the Elevala River and 1 heard at Km 17.

Channel-billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae : 15 along the Elevala River on Aug 5 with 10 on 6th and 1 at Boystown Road

Greater Black Coucal Centropus menbeki : commonly haerd along the Elevala River but never seen.

Lesser Black Coucal Centropus bernsteini : singles at Km 17, Kiunga and Boystown Road, heard along the Elevala River and at Kiunga airport.

Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianus : 1 or 2 daily at Varirata NP.

Greater Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa : one in the Tari Valley on Aug 15.

Australasian Grass-Owl Tyto longimembris: 1 at Tari Gap on Aug 17.

Papuan Boobook Ninox theomacha : widely heard calling with 1 seen at Ok Ma Road on Aug 3 and 4.

Spangled Owlet-Nightjar Aegotheles tatei : 1 heard at Ekame Lodge on Aug 5.
Mountain Owlet-Nightjar Aegotheles albertisi : heard on all 3 nights at Kumul but only seen on Aug 10.

Barred Owlet-nightjar Aegotheles bennetti : one at its daytime roost near the picnic area at Varirata on July 29 with another seen elsewhere on 30th.

Marbled Frogmouth Podargus ocellatus : 2 roosting together at Varirata on Jul 29.

Papuan Frogmouth Podargus papuensis : singles near Ekame Lodge and in the Tari Valley.

Papuan Nightjar Eurostopodus papuensis : 1 on Boystown Road.

Archbold's (Mountain) Nightjar Eurostopodus archboldi : one in the quarry near the bailey bridge below Tari Gap on Aug 15 with 2 there on 16th including some interaction and calling.

Large-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus macrurus : one on the road near Warili Lodge.

Glossy Swiftlet Aerodramus esculenta : fairly common throughout excluding the Kiunga area.

Mountain Swiftlet Aerodramus hirundinaceus : fairly common at Kumul and Tari Gap.

Uniform Swiftlet Aerodramus vanikorensis : a few at Varirata and common in the Kiunga area.
Papuan Needletail Mearnsia novaeguineae : up to 10 daily in the Kiunga area.

Moustached Treeswift Hemiprocne mystacea : up to 5 daily in the Kiunga area and 4-8 at Tabubil.

Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis : 1 at Varirata on Jul 29.

Little Kingfisher Alcedo pusilla : singles at Varirata and on the Elevala River.

Variable (Dwarf) Kingfisher Ceyx lepidus : 1 at Boystown Road (LS).

Rufous-bellied Kookaburra Dacelo gaudichaud : 2 singles at Varirata and up to 5 daily in the Kiunga area.

Blue-winged Kookaburra Dacelo leachii : 1-2 at Varirata on Aug 17-18 and 1 at the PAU on Jul 30.

Shovel-billed Kingfisher Clytoceyx rex : 1 seen and 3 heard at Ok Ma Road on Aug 3 with 1 seen briefly on 4th.

Sacred Kingfisher Todirhamphus sanctus : up to 3 at the PAU and Tabubil area, 10 on the Elevala River, and 1 at Kiunga airport.

Hook-billed Kingfisher Melidora macrorrhina : heard regularly along the Elevala River with 1 seen on Aug 5; also heard at Km 17, Kiunga.

Yellow-billed Kingfisher Syma torotoro : 1 at Varirata on Jul 30 and others heard at Dablin Creek and Boystown Road.

Mountain Kingfisher Syma megarhyncha : a male seen below Warili Lodge, Tari on Aug 14 and 2 heard there on 16th.

Little Paradise-Kingfisher Tanysiptera hydrocharis : 2 along the Elevala River on Aug 5.

Common Paradise-Kingfisher Tanysiptera galatea : 2 seen along the Elevala River on Aug 6.

Brown-headed Paradise-Kingfisher Tanysiptera danae : singles daily along the Tree-house trail at Varirata.

Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus : up to 6 daily at Varirata, 10 at Kiunga airport.

Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis : up to 3 daily at Varirata, 2 at Boystown Road and common along the Elevala River.

Blyth’s Hornbill Aceros plicatus : heard at Varirata, 1 at Tabubil and common in the Kiunga area.

Hooded Pitta Pitta sordida : one seen near Ekame Lodge and others heard in the Kiunga area.

Red-bellied (Blue-breasted) Pitta Pitta erythrogaster : one seen at Varirata on Aug 18.

Pacific Swallow Hirundo tahitica :fairly common throughout the lowlands and hills.

Australasian Pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae : up to 3 at Tari Gap and at Mount Hagen airport.

Alpine Pipit Anthus gutturalis: 1 above the tree line on Mt Hagen (LS)

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae : a few at Varirata National Park, 2 at Boystown Road and 20+ at Kiunga airport.

Large-/Stout-billed Cuckoo-shrike Coracina caeruleogrisea : 2 at Dablin Creek, Tabubil, and 3 at Boystown Road.

Barred/Yellow-eyed Cuckoo-shrike Coracina lineata : one or 2 daily at Varirata National Park.

Boyer's Cuckoo-shrike Coracina boyeri : 2 daily at Varirata National Park, up to 4 daily in the Tabubil/Kiunga area.

White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike Coracina papuensis : 3 or 4 daily at Varirata, 3 along the Elevala River and 2 at Kiunga airport.

Hooded Cuckoo-shrike Coracina longicauda : 1 above Tari on Aug 12 and 3 on 14th. Also seen on Mt Hagen by LS.

Cicadabird Coracina tenuirostris : singles at Varirata on Jul 30, Km 17 on Aug 4th and 2 Elevala River on 5th.

Black-shouldered/Papuan Cuckoo-shrike Coracina morio : 1 at Varirata Jul 29 and 2 at Tabubil on Aug 3 and 4.

Grey-headed Cuckoo-shrike Coracina schisticeps : 2-3 on 3 dates in Tabubil/ Kiunga area.

Papuan Black/New Guinea Cuckoo-shrike Coracina melas (melaena) : up to 4 daily at Varirata
National Park and 1 near Ekame Lodge.

Black-bellied Cuckoo-shrike Coracina montana : 3 at Kumul on Aug 10 and up to 10 most days above Tari.

Golden Cuckoo-shrike Campochaera sloetii : heard at Tabubil, singles at Km 17 on both dates and 3 at Ekame Lodge.

White-winged Triller Lalage tricolor : 2 at Ok Ma Road and at Km 17 on Aug 4.
Varied Triller Lalage leucomela : 1 or 2 daily at Varirata National Park and 1 or 2 along the Elevala River.

Island Thrush Turdus poliocephalus : up to 6 daily at Kumul, one on Aug 13 and 10 on 16th at Tari Gap.

Golden-headed Cisticola Cisticola exilis : singles near Port Moresby on Jul 29 and Tari on Aug 15.
Island Leaf-Warbler Phylloscopus poliocephalus : up to 3 on 3 days below Tari Gap.

Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis : 2 singles near Kumul and up to 6 daily above Tari.

Pied Bushchat Saxicola caprata : 2 naer Port Moresby and Tabubil, up to 4 near Kumul and up to 4 almost daily above Tari.

Northern Fantail Rhipidura rufiventris : 1-2 at Ok Ma Road, Tabubil.

Willie-wagtail Rhipidura leucophrys : Common throughout.

Friendly Fantail Rhipidura albolimbata : fairly common at Kumul and Tari with a few elsewhere.

Sooty Thicket-Fantail Rhipidura threnothorax : 1 at Varirata on Jul 29 and heard at Tabubil.

Black Thicket-Fantail Rhipidura maculipectus : 1 at Ok Ma Road.

White-bellied Thicket-Fantail Rhipidura leucothorax : one along the Elevala River and heard at Kiunga airport.

Black Fantail Rhipidura atra : 1 at Dablin Creek (LS), 3 below Kumul on Aug 10, 6 on 14th above Tari and 1 or 2 there on 15-16th.

Chestnut-bellied Fantail Rhipidura hyperythra : up to 10 daily in Varirata NP.

Dimorphic Fantail Rhipidura brachyrhyncha : 2 at Kumul on Aug 11 and 2-3 daily Aug 12-15 between Benson's trail and Tari Gap.

Black Monarch Monarcha axillaris : singles at Varirata on Jul 31, Max’s trail, below Kumul, and above Tari on Aug 16.

Black-faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis : 3 at Varirata NP on Jul 30, 1 on 31st and 1 at Ok Ma Rd on Aug 4 (LS).

Black-winged Monarch Monarcha frater : 1 or 2 daily at Varirata National Park.

Spot-winged Monarch Monarcha guttula : up to 5 daily at Varirata NP, 1 at tabubil on Aug 3 and 3 near Ekame Lodge.

Hooded Monarch Monarchamanadensis : one near Ekame Lodge.

Golden Monarch Monarcha chrysomela : one at Varirata NP and 2 near Ekame Lodge.

Frilled Monarch Arses telescopthalamus : up to 8 daily at Varirata NP, and 2 at Tabubil, ekame Lodge and Boystown Rd.

Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula : a pair on the approach road to Varirata on Jul 29 and a male on Aug 18.

Shining Flycatcher Myiagra alecto : 10 along the Elevala River.

Yellow-breasted Boatbill Machaerirhynchus flaviventer : heard daily at Varirata NP with 2 seen on Jul 30 and 4 on 31st.

Black-breasted Boatbill Machaerirhynchus nigripectus : 1 or 2 most daysat Kumul and below Tari Gap, with 3 on Aug 16.

Lesser Ground-Robin Amalocichla incerta : heard almost daily around Benson’s Trail but only 1 seen on Aug 13.

Torrent Flycatcher Monachella muelleriana : 2 at Ok Menga, Tabubil and 5 near the Lesser BoP site.

Lemon-bellied Flycatcher Microeca flavigaster : at least 1 on the approach road to Varirata NP on Jul 29 and 2 on Aug 18, with 1 at Ok Menga on 2nd.

Yellow-legged Flycatcher Microeca griseoceps : singles at Varirata on Jul 31 and Ok Ma Rd on Aug 3

Canary Flycatcher Microeca papuana : 2 singles at Kumul and 2-3 on Aug 13-15 below Tari Gap with 10 on 16th.

White-faced Robin Tregellasia leucops : 1 or 2 daily at Varirata National Park except on Jul 29.

Alpine/Mountain Robin Petroica bivittata : 1 just below the tree-line on Mt Hagen (LS).

Garnet Robin Eugerygone rubra : a male at Tari Gap on Aug 13 and at the bailey bridge on 15th.

Black-sided Robin Poecilodryas hypoleuca : one seen well on Aug 6 near Ekame Lodge.

Black-throated Robin Poecilodryas albonotata : surprisingly scarce this year with only 3 singles seen below Tari Gap.

White-winged Robin Peneothello sigillatus : up to 6 daily at Kumul Lodge, including 2 juvs.

Blue-grey Robin Peneothello cyanus : heard on Max’s trail and Benson’s Trail but only seen once by LS on Aug 15.

White-rumped Robin Peneothello bimaculatus : 1 at Ok Ma Road on Aug 3 and 2 at Dablin Creek on 4th.

Ashy Robin Poecilodryas albispecularis : singles at Max’s trail on Aug 10 and Benson’s Trail on 13th and 16th, a bird more often heard than seen.

Northern Scrub-Robin Drymodes superciliaris : 1 on Jul 29 at Varirata and 2 on 30th; heard at Tabubil on Aug 3.

Mottled Whistler Rhagologus leucostigma : 2 at Benson’s Trail on Aug 16.

Rufous-naped Whistler Pachycephala rufinucha : up to 3 daily at Kumul, a few singles below Tari Gap.

Brown-backed Whistler Pachycephala modesta : 2 below Kumul on Aug 10, 1-2 below Tari Gap on 3 dates.

Grey-headed (Grey) Whistler Pachycephala (simplex) griseiceps : 1-3 daily at Varirata.

Sclater's Whistler Pachycephala soror : 1 at Varirata on Jul 31 was unusual; 2 on Aug 14 and 1 on 16th above Tari.

Regent Whistler Pachycephala schlegelii : up to 4 daily in the Kumul area and on 4 dates below Tari Gap.

Black-headed Whistler Pachycephala monacha : 2 near the Lesser BoP site on Aug 9 and 1 in the Tari valley on 15th and heard at Tari airport.

Goldenface / Dwarf Whistler Pachycare flavogrisea : 1 on Jul 29 and 2 on 31st at Varirata, heard at Dablin Creek. This sp. is no longer classed as a whistler but as a “species of uncertain family placement” like melampittas, ploughbill and ifrita.

Rufous (Little) Shrike-Thrush Colluricincla megarhyncha : up to 4 daily in Varirata, heard at Tabubil, and singles at the Lesser BoP site and along the Elevala River.

Hooded Pitohui Pitohui dichrous : fairly common at Varirata, with 1 at Dablin Creek (LS).

White-bellied Pitohui Pitohui incertus : a party of 5 were seen along the Elevala River and others heard.

Rusty Pitohui Pitohui ferrugineus : 4 on Jul 30 at Varirata and 2 on Aug 18.

Crested Pitohui Pitohui cristatus : heard daily at Varirata and singles seen on the ground near the Tree-house trail on Jul 30 and 31.

Variable Pitohui Pitohui kirhocephalus : 2 near Ekame Lodge, heard at Km 17.

Black Pitohui Pitohui nigrescens : 1 at Benson’s Trail on Aug 15 (MC).

Wattled Ploughbill Eulacestoma nigropectus : a female-type at Max’s Trail below Kumul, with 2 others heard there.

Blue Jewel-Babbler Ptilorrhoa caerulescens : a pair performed very well near Ekame Lodge, also heard at Boystown Road.

Chestnut-backed Jewel-babbler Ptilorrhoa castanonotus : 1 or 2 seen daily at Varirata, heard at Dablin Creek, Tabubil.

Spotted Jewel-babbler Ptilorrhoa leucosticta : singles at Max’s Trail, Kumul (MC,LS) and the trail above Ambua on Aug 14, with a pair at Benson’s Trail on 16th (G & MW).

Papuan/Northern Logrunner Orthonyx novaeguineae : 2 singles on Aug 12 at Benson’s Trail and heard on 15-16th.

Papuan Whipbird Androphobus viridis : 3, probably a family party, at Benson’s Trail on Aug 14 but could not be located later.

Painted Quail-thrush Cinclosoma ajax : heard daily at Varirata but could not be seen despite much effort – most frustrating!

Blue-capped Ifrita Ifrita kowaldi : 2 singles at Kumul, up to 6 daily below Tari Gap.

Orange-crowned Fairywren Clytomyias insignis : at least 2 at Max’s Trail (LS) and at least 4 near Ambua on Aug 14. Also seen on Mt Hagen by LS.

Wallace's Fairywren Sipodotus wallacii : 1 at Varirata on Jul 31 (MC). We were confused for a while because we kept hearing calls as down-loaded from Xeno-canto attributed to this sp. but eventually realised they were Yellow-breasted Boatbill.

White-shouldered Fairywren Malurus alboscapulatus : 1-2 scattered throughout.

Emperor Fairywren Malurus cyanocephalus : 1 at Ok Ma Rd (LS), 2 males at the Flame Bowerbird hide by the Elevala River, and heard at Boystown Road, Kiunga.

Rusty Mouse-Warbler Crateroscelis murina : Heard far more often than seen but 1-2 were seen on Jul 29-31 at Varirata National Park.

Mountain Mouse-Warbler Crateroscelis robusta : up to 4 daily at Kumul and on Aug 15-16 below Tari Gap.

Pale-billed Scrub-wren Sericornis spilodera : up to 3 daily at Varirata, and 1 at Ok Ma Rd (LS).

Large Scrub-wren Sericornis nouhuysi : 10 at Kumul Lodge and 1-2 below Tari Gap.

Buff-faced Scrub-wren Sericornis perspicillatus : up to 5 most days at Kumul and below Tari Gap.

Papuan Scrub-wren Sericornis papuensis : 2 daily at Kumul and common below Tari Gap.

Papuan Thornbill Acanthiza murina : a flock on Mt Hagen (LS).

Grey Gerygone Gerygone cinerea : 2 singles below Tari Gap.

Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronotus : frequently heard in the lowlands but only 1 seen at Varirata National Park.

Fairy Gerygone Gerygone palpebrosa : 2 daily at Varirata National Park.

Yellow-bellied Gerygone Gerygone chrysogaster : singles daily at Varirata near Ekame Lodge on Aug 6.

Large-billed Gerygone Gerygone magnirostris : 2 singles along the Elevala River.

Brown-breasted Gerygone Gerygone ruficollis : common in the Kumul and Tari areas.

Black Sitella Neositta Miranda : 1 below Tari Gap on 29th (MC) and seen on Mt Hagen by LS.

Obscure Berrypecker Melanocharis arfakiana : one at Ok Ma Road, Tabubil.

Black Sunbird Leptocoma sericea : a few in the Kiunga area.

Olive-backed Sunbird Cinnyris jugularis : only 2 singles noted, at Kiunga airport and Varirata.
Black Berrypecker Melanocharis nigra : 2-3 daily at Varirata National Park.

Lemon-breasted (Mid-mountain) Melanocharis longicauda : singles at Dablin Creek, Tabubil, Max’s trail below Kumul on Aug 10 and below Tari Gap on 12th.

Fan-tailed Berrypecker Melanocharis versteri : 1 at Kumul Lodge on Aug 8, up to 6 on 5 days below Tari Gap.

Tit Berrypecker Oreocharis arfaki : 2 at Dablin Creek (LS), and up to 6 on 4 dates below Tari Gap. This and the next species have been classified as the only members of a new family, the
PARAMYTHIIDAE Painted berrypeckers.

Crested Berrypecker Paramythia montium : 2 or 3 daily at Kumul and on 3 days at Tari Gap.

Olive-crowned (Papuan) Flowerpecker Dicaeum pectorale : 1 or 2 at Varirata NP, Elevala River and below Tari Gap.

Black-fronted White-eye Zosterops atrifrons : 10-20 daily at Varirata National Park.

Capped (Western Mountain) White-eye Zosterops fuscicapillus : c.10 in the Tari Valley.

New Guinea White-eye Zosterops novaeguineae : 8 at the Lesser BoP site below Kumul and 5 on Max’s Trail, a flock near Ambua Lodge on Aug 15.

Yellow-bellied Longbill Toxorhamphus novaeguineae : only heard at Boystown road, Kiunga and near Ekame Lodge.

Slaty-chinned Longbill Toxorhamphus poliopterus : 1 or 2 on 2 dates at Varirata NP.

Dwarf Honeyeater Oedistoma iliolophus : 1 or 2 daily at Varirata NP, 2 at Dablin Creek and heard at Boystown Rd.

Pygmy Honeyeater Oedistoma pygmaeum : at least 6 at Boystown Rd.

Olive Straightbill Timeliopsis fulvigula : at least 2 of this rare species were feeding on a small trail off Benson’s on Aug 13 (MO, JH, BF)

Red-throated Myzomela Myzomela eques : singles at Boystown Rd and Tari on Aug 14.

Papuan Black Myzomela Myzomela nigrita : 1 at Tabubil on Aug 4.

Mountain Myzomela Myzomela adolphinae : 10 at the Lesser BoP site below Kumul.

Red-collared Myzomela Myzomela rosenbergii : up to 3 daily below Tari Gap with 20 on Aug 14.

Long-billed Honeyeater Melilestes megarhynchus : 2 at Ok Ma Rd, Tabubil.

Spot-breasted Honeyeater Meliphaga mimikae : one at Varirata.

Mountain Honeyeater Meliphaga orientalis : a few at Tabubil.

Scrub (White-eared) Honeyeater Meliphaga albonotata : singles at Dablin creek and Ok Menga, Tabubil.

Puff-backed Honeyeater Meliphaga aruensis : a few along the Elevala River.

Mimic Honeyeater Meliphaga analoga : a few in Varirata National Park.

Graceful Honeyeater Meliphaga gracilis : at least 1 at Varirata NP on Jul 31.
Yellow-tinted Honeyeater Lichenostomus flavescens : one at the Granville Hotel, Port Moresby.

Black-throated Honeyeater Lichenostomus subfrenatus : 2 at Max’s trail, Kumul and 1 or 2 on 3 days below Tari Gap.

Obscure Honeyeater Lichenostomus obscurus : singles near Ekame Lodge and at Boystown Rd.
Tawny-breasted Honeyeater Xanthotis flaviventer : heard at Varirata NP on Jul 30-31 but only 1 seen on Aug 18, and a few daily in the Tabubil and Kiunga areas.

Green-backed Honeyeater Glycichaera fallax : 3 at Varirata on Aug 18.

White-throated Honeyeater Melithreptus albogularis : 2 in the eucalyptus savanna on the approach road to Varirata National Park.

Plain Honeyeater Pycnopygius ixoides : 3 at Ok Ma Rd on Aug 4.

Streak-headed Honeyeater Pycnopygius stictocephalus : 2 at Tabubil on Aug 4, heard along the Elevala River and 1 at Boystown Road, Kiunga.

Helmeted Friarbird Philemon buceroides : fairly common at Varirata and a few daily in the Tabubil/ Kiunga areas.

Rufous-backed Honeyeater Ptiloprora guisei : 2 below Kumul and a few above Tari.

Black-backed (Grey-streaked) Honeyeater Ptiloprora perstriata : common at Kumul and below Tari Gap.

Sooty Melidectes Melidectes fuscus ; 2 on Mt Hagen (LS).

Long-bearded Melidectes Melidectes princeps : 1 on Mt Hagen (LS).

Ornate Melidectes Melidectes torquatus : 8 at the Lesser BoP site below Kumul.

Belford's Melidectes Melidectes belfordi : common at Kumul and above Ambua Lodge.

Yellow-browed Melidectes Melidectes rufocrissalis : up to 6 daily at and below Ambua Lodge.

Smoky Honeyeater Melipotes fumigatus : 2 singles at Dablin Creek, Tabubil, common at and above Ambua Lodge.

Rufous-banded Honeyeater Conopophila albogularis : fairly common at the PAU, Varirata approach road and Port Moresby.

Brown Oriole Oriolus szalayi : one or 2 daily at Varirata, tabubil and Km 17, Kiunga, with 4 at Dablin Creek and 6 at Varirata on Aug 18.

Australasian/ Green Figbird Sphecotheres vieilloti/ viridis : up to 10 at the PAU.

Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach : 1 or 2 in the Kumul area and below Warili Lodge on Aug 13-14.

Mountain/ Pygmy Drongo Chaetorhynchus papuensis : one on Jul 31 at Varirata (LS).

Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus : a few daily at Varirata National Park, up to 10 daily in the Tabubil and Kiunga areas.

Great Woodswallow Artamus maximus : a few at Tabubil, up to 8 on 4 dates above Tari.

White-breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus : a few daily in the Port Moresby – Varirata area and at Tabubil, with 2 at Kiunga airport.

Torrent-lark Grallina bruijni : singles at Dablin Creek on Aug 3 (LS) and 4.
Mountain Peltops Peltops montanus : one at Varirata National Park, 2 below Tari Gap and at Dablin Creek.

Lowland Peltops Peltops blainvillii : 2 at Km17, Kiunga.

Black-backed Butcherbird Cracticus mentalis : 1 at the PAU and 1 along the road to Varirata NP.

Hooded Butcherbird Cracticus cassicus : up to 4 daily at Varirata and up to 5 daily in the Tabubil and Kiunga areas.

Black Butcherbird Cracticus quoyi : heard daily at Varirata and Tabubil with 1 seen there on aug 3; one or 2 in the Tari valley.

Lesser Melampitta Melampitta lugubris : heard at Max’s trail, Kumul, and above Tari with a least 1 on 3 days below Tari Gap. Also seen on Mt Hagen by LS.

Greater Melampitta Melampitta gigantean : one seen on Aug 3 at Ok Ma Road (LS, MW) and heard on 4th.

Loria's Bird of Paradise/ Satinbird Cnemophilus loriae : 3 at a feeding tree below Kumul on Aug 10 and 2 at ambua Lodge on 16th. Also seen on Mt Hagen by LS. This and the next species have been classed as a new bird family now, the CNEMOPHILIDAE Satinbirds.

Crested Bird of Paradise/ Satinbird Cnemophilus macgregorii : a male and 2 female-types at Kumul Lodge on Aug 9, a male on 10th and a pair on 11th, with a female-type on Benson’s Trail on 14th.

Glossy-mantled Manucode Manucodia atra : a few along the Elevala River and 1 at Boystown Rd and Km 17.

Crinkle-collared Manucode Manucodia chalybata : 2 at Varirata on Jul 30 and 4 on 31st, and 1 or 2 at Dablin Creek.

Trumpet Manucode Manucodia keraudrenii : singles at Km17 and Boystown Rd, Kiunga and a few along the Elevala River.

Short-tailed Paradigalla Paradigalla brevicauda : at least 2 at Ambua Lodge on Aug 13.

Ribbon-tailed Astrapia Astrapia mayeri : 3 daily at Kumul Lodge and up to 5 daily, including several adult males, between the bailey bridge and Tari Gap.

Princess Stephanie's Astrapia Astrapia stephaniae : 2-3 in the Ambua/Warili Lodge area on Aug 13 and 16.

Carola's Parotia Parotia carolae : a male at Dablin creek, Tabubil on Aug 3 (LS).

Lawes' Parotia Parotia lawesii : 5 at Ambua on Aug 13 and at least 1 on 16th, 2 males below Warili Lodge on 15th.

King of Saxony Bird of Paradise Pteridophora alberti : 3 below Kumul on Aug 10; 2-4 most dates below Tari Gap.

Magnificent Riflebird Ptiloris magnificus : heard daily around Tabubil and at Boystown Rd.

Eastern Riflebird Ptiloris intercedens : 2 daily at Varirata NP.

Superb Bird of Paradise Lophorina superba : a female-type at Ambua on Aug 13 and a displaying male below warily on 14th.

Black Sicklebill Epimachus fastuosus : 2 or 3 males below Ambua on Aug 13 and 5 birds on 16th.

Brown Sicklebill Epimachus meyeri : 3 or 4 daily at Kumul Lodge and 1 or 2 most dates below Tari Gap.

Buff-tailed/ Black-billed Sicklebill Epimachus albertisi : a male across the valley below Ambua on Aug 13 (MC).

Magnificent Bird of Paradise Cicinnurus magnificus : one or 2 female-types were seen in fruiting trees at Dablin creek, Tabubil on Aug 2-3 and heard at Ok Ma Rd and Kumul.

King Bird of Paradise Cicinnurus regius : a male near Ekame Lodge along the Elevala River on Aug 5.

Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise Seleucidis melanoleuca : a displaying male was seen along the Fly River on Aug 5 and a further 3 birds along the Elevala River on 5-6th.

Greater Bird of Paradise Paradisaea apoda : a few at the lek site at Km17 near Kiunga, where the combination of displaying Greater, Raggiana and hybrids gave a fine spectacle on Aug 7; a few singles were also seen around Tabubil and at Boystown road.

Raggiana Bird of Paradise Paradisaea raggiana : 8 at the lek site near Varirata Lookout and a few others in Varirata National Park; 2 males at the display site at Km17.

Lesser Bird of Paradise Paradisaea : 4 males and 2 females at the lek below Kumul Lodge on Aug 9.

Blue Bird of Paradise Paradisaea rudolphi : 1 or 2 males gave excellent views below Warili Lodge on Aug 14-15, with a female-type at Ambua.

White-eared Catbird Ailurodeus buccoides : 1 at Varirata on Jul 31, and heard at Ok Ma Rd and Boystown Rd.

Sanford's/Archbold’s Bowerbird Archboldia sanfordi/papuensis : 1 at Tari Gap on 13th and 2 on 15th.

Macgregor's Bowerbird Amblyornis macgregoriae : up to 3 daily at Kumul; 2 female-types on Benson’s Trail on Aug 13.

Flame Bowerbird Sericulus aureus : 2 males at Boystown Road and 1 at a fruiting tree at the Elevala River village (MO).

Yellow-breasted Bowerbird Chlamydera lauterbachi : 1 below Kumul on Aug 9.

Fawn-breasted Bowerbird Chlamydera cerviniventris : a few below Varirata and 5 at the PAU.

Grey Crow Corvus tristis : only 1 at Tabubil and up to 20 in the Kiunga area.

Torresian Crow Corvus orru : fairly common in the Port Moresby – Varirata area.

Metallic Starling Aplonis metallica : Common throughout the lowlands.

Singing Starling Aplonis cantoroides : 2-3 at the Pacific Adventist University and 4 at Port Moresby airport.

Yellow-eyed Starling Aplonis mystacea : a flock of c.30 along the Elevala River on Aug 5.

Yellow-faced Myna Mino dumonti : fairly common in the lowland and up to 4 daily at Varirata.

Golden Myna Mino anais : a few at Boystown Road, 4 along the Elevala River and 20 at Km 17 on Aug 7.

House Sparrow Passer domesticus : common around Port Moresby.

Blue-faced Parrot-Finch Erythrura trichroa : 3 near Benson’s Trail on Aug 13 and 16.

Mountain Firetail Oreostruthus fuliginosus : up to 6 daily at Kumul.

White-spotted Munia Lonchura leucosticta : 2o+ in grassland at Kiunga airport.

Hooded Munia (Mannikin) Lonchura spectabilis : up to 10 most days near and below Warili Lodge, Tari.

Grey-headed Munia (Mannikin) Lonchura caniceps : a few near the Kokoda Monument (LS), numerous at the PAU on Jul 30.

Chestnut-breasted Munia (Mannikin) Lonchura castaneothorax : 2 at the PAU on Jul 30.


Agile Wallaby Macropus agilis : 1 at Varirata.

Lesser Forest Wallaby Dorcopsulus vanheurni : 1 above Tari on Aug 16 (MC). ??

Speckled Dasyure Neophascogale lorentzii : 2 at Kumul

Subalpine Woolly Rat Mallomys istapantap Kumul or Tari ??

Bismarck Flying-Fox Pteropus neohibernicus : common along the Fly River and a few along the Elevala.

New Guinea Crocodile Crocodylus novaeguineae 2 on the Elevala River on Aug 5.

Mangrove Monitor Lizard Varanus indicus : 1 on the Elevala River on Aug 6.